MCC009- Why are people so clumsy?

Gap-fill exercise


What makes one person have more than another? Most people would say that it has to do with taking risks. risks mean fewer accidents. But is taking risks really a matter of ?

Some experts believe that whether or not you take risks in life has a lot to do with your and, some believe, with your birth order. Parents are often and more careful with their first child, and so first-born children to grow up taking fewer risks and being more . Parents are often more relaxed with a second or third child, so these children tend to take more risks.

But why do children tend to be more accident-prone than adults? During childhood and , the body grows very quickly. There seem to be periods in these years when our brain and body are at different of development. Our arms are longer than the brain thinks they are, so we knock things ; our legs are longer than the brain believes so we trip over easily.


Another has been offered by scientists in Spain who have found a possible between the number of hours a child watches TV and how accident-prone they are. The research suggests that the more time a child spends watching TV, the less they are their physical coordination skills. If a child doesn't run around a lot, they don’t begin to that the world is full of physical risks. Watching cartoons and action adventure films doesn't help either. It gives the child a false of how the world works and of how much danger it .

So what about adults? Some studies have shown that left-handed people are more accident-prone than right-handed people. Why the ? No one knows for sure. One theory is that we live in a right-handed world. Everything - from cars to door handles, from children's toys to engineering and equipment - is made by right-handed people for right-handed people. So left-handed children and adults are more to have accidents because the modern world is not for them.