The following sentences contain expressions with "ON" . Complete the sentences with the correct words.
There was someone on my mother's end feet holiday lifestyle nerves own place shows side who used to be an acrobat. Sometimes we get on each other's end feet holiday lifestyle nerves own place shows side . But otherwise, we get along quite well. We were on our end feet holiday lifestyle nerves own place shows side for hours on end feet holiday lifestyle nerves own place shows side before someone started to look for us. After two weeks we'll take everything down and move on to the next end feet holiday lifestyle nerves own place shows side . He retired last week and he's fine with the feeling of being on permanent end feet holiday lifestyle nerves own place shows side . I'm not sure how I'll be able to go on with such a end feet holiday lifestyle nerves own place shows side . I like being on my end feet holiday lifestyle nerves own place shows side , but I also enjoy spending time with others. I have been earning money as a one-woman theatre company, putting on end feet holiday lifestyle nerves own place shows side for disabled children.