GV010 - Amnesty International Fights for Human Rights

Gap-fill exercise

   conscience      defend      discriminated      environmentalists      excuse      express      face      imprisoned      mental      psychiatric      release      religious      remarks      rights      speech      supports      terrorism      violations   


Throughout the world people are as a result of exercising their right to freedom of expression.
Amnesty International has been fighting for thousands of prisoners of – people who are thrown into prison because of their political, or other beliefs, ethnic origin, sex, color, national or social origin, sexual orientation or other status. Amnesty International is constantly working for the immediate of all these prisoners.

Governments have historically used ‘national security’ as an to hold back political opposition and criticism. In recent years they have used fears about and security to suppress individuals and groups and their right to free .

Everyone has the right to express their sexual orientation, without being persecuted or against by others. However, in many countries throughout the world gay people discrimination. Their personal safety is often attacked. Politicians frequently make about such people and therefore make the situation worse.

What Amnesty International is doing

Amnesty International and protects those who speak up and their opinions openly and freely around the world. They do a lot of work particularly for those who speak out to defend human for example:

  • Journalists who expose human rights .
  • Community workers who teach human rights education.
  • Trade unionists who workers' rights.
  • who fight for indigenous peoples’ land rights.

Example of success
Chinese campaigner Wang Wanxing was released in 2005 after intensive letter writing by Amnesty International members.
He had been held at a Beijing hospital since June 1992 for showing a banner in favor of the pro-democracy protests of June 1989. Wang Wanxing was drugged three times a day. In the last five years of his imprisonment he was kept in a ward with between 50 to 70 patients who had health problems.