ED015 - Mobile Phone Ban in French Schools - One Word Too Many

Read the text about a new law that bans the use of mobile phones in French schools.  Some of the lines are correct; some have a word, which should not be there.  Write this word in the box next to the line. If the line is correct write OK into the box. You have two examples at the beginning.


Mobile Phone Ban in French Schools

1 French students are now banned from using OK
2 mobile phones after a law was being passed being
3 by the country’s parliament. When during
4 his election campaign French president Macron
5 promised to have forbid the use of phones in
6 primary and middle schools until the age of 15.
7 The new law does not always allow pupils to
8 have mobile phones use in classrooms and
9 and playgrounds during school lessons.
10 Lawmakers insist on that the ban is an attempt
11 to get back pupils to concentrate more on school
12 lessons instead of constantly checking messages
13 and not typing into their phones.
14 Some critics say that the ban does not go so far
15 enough. They want teachers to set an example
16 and give up their phones when they often come
17 to the school in the morning.
18 Those opposed to the new law say that while
19 the government does not have the right to
20 take over personal belongings away from
21 students. Some of schools are thinking about
22 setting up lockers where pupils can even put
23 their personal items when they enter in the
24 school building.  

